Compile Tin For Windows ----------------------- - what is it? - A Usenet newsreader - system - Windows 95, should work on NT, too - Cygwin ( - for B20 - preliminaries - install ncurses first - get tin source (e.g. from - configure - export CC=gcc - export CFLAGS="-DLOCAL_CHARSET=850 -DSTATIC" ^^^ (or 437 depends on "mode con") - ./configure --with-ncurses --libdir=/usr/local/lib --disable-locale - make - cd src - make - make install - does not work. Just copy tin.exe from the src dir to a directory in your path. - add to your profile: export NNTPSERVER=your.nntp.server export TERM=pcansi - notes - You also need an editor. vim works fine. - tin needs an /etc/passwd username:x:500:100:Real Name:/home:/bin/sh.exe - in autoexec or in cygnus.bat set HOME=c:\home set USER=username - tested with tin pre-1.4 release 981225 ("Volcane") tin pre-1.4 release 19990517 ("Psychonaut") tin pre-1.4 release 19991104 ("Nine While Nine") - lates version of this file - on - as tin_cygwin.txt - contributed by - (Wolfgang Becker) 6.11.1999